A CHOICE account lets you write your own reviews on our product review pages.
To create a free account using your email address, follow these steps:
Enter your email
On any CHOICE product review page, click the Create an account to write a review button.
In the modal that opens up (see screengrab), enter your email address.
Click Continue.
Check your inbox
Go to your email inbox, and open our email with the subject line ‘Confirm your email to access CHOICE’.
Click Confirm my email to verify your email address. You’ll be taken to a new page to create your account.
Create your account
- On the Create an account page, enter your first and last names.
- Choose a password (this must be longer than 6 characters to keep it secure).
- Choose whether to receive email updates from CHOICE (these are free, and give you early access to our latest free reviews, tips and more).
- Tick the box to show you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy – we recommend you read our terms and conditions and privacy policy before accepting.
- Log in with your new account to start writing a review.